Fabricante de cápsulas vacías

Capsuline es un fabricante líder y proveedor de cápsulas. Con un fuerte compromiso con la innovación y la satisfacción del cliente, Capsuline se ha establecido como un socio de confianza en las industrias de suplementos nutracéuticos, farmacéuticos y dietéticos.

Ofrecemos una amplia gama de opciones de cápsulas, incluidas gelatina, vegetariano, recubierto entérico, y cápsulas personalizadas, disponible en varios tamaños y colores.

Empty capsule manufacturer US

Fabricación de cápsulas

Nos enorgullecemos de nuestras instalaciones de fabricación de vanguardia equipadas con tecnología de vanguardia y que se adhirieron a los estrictos estándares de calidad.

High quality empty capsules

Materiales de alta calidad

Nuestras cápsulas están hechas con los materiales de la más alta calidad y se someten a rigurosos procesos de control de calidad para garantizar un rendimiento y seguridad consistentes.

Capsuline Customer Service

Servicio al cliente

Priorizamos la comunicación abierta, la flexibilidad y la capacidad de respuesta para abordar los requisitos específicos de nuestros clientes y entregar soluciones personalizadas.

Gelatin Capsules

Capsuline's gelatin capsules are a superior choice for encapsulating a wide range of products in the nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, and dietary supplement industries.

These capsules are made from high-quality, pharmaceutical-grade gelatin, ensuring exceptional purity and safety. They are gluten-free, preservative-free, allergen-free, and both Kosher and Halal certified.

We offer a variety of sizes and colors to cater to diverse product requirements and branding needs. From smaller sizes suitable for targeted dosing to larger sizes for convenient administration, we have a solution for every application. Our capsules are available in clear and colored options, allowing for product differentiation and visual appeal.

Whether you are formulating a new product or seeking a reliable encapsulation solution for your existing line, Capsuline's gelatin capsules are the ideal choice.

Vegetarian Capsules

Capsuline's vegetarian capsules are a top-notch choice for those seeking plant-based encapsulation solutions in the nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, and dietary supplement industries. Made from 100% plant-derived materials, these capsules offer a reliable and sustainable alternative to traditional gelatin capsules.

When it comes to purity and safety, Capsuline's vegetarian capsules meet the highest industry standards. They are gluten-free, preservative-free, allergen-free, Kosher and Halal certified, and verified by the Vegan Society.

Capsuline's vegetarian capsules come in various sizes, ensuring flexibility and precision in dosing. Additionally, they are available in both clear and colored options, allowing for customization and visual appeal.

Choose Capsuline's vegetarian capsules to align with your plant-based values while maintaining excellent functionality and quality.

Nuestras certificaciones

Halal Certified
Halal Certified
Kosher Certified
Kosher Certified
Vegan Society Certified

Personaliza tu

Obtenga una cotización para sus cápsulas vacías

Whether you are looking for high-quality capsules, custom encapsulation services, or expert guidance, Capsuline is your trusted partner for all your encapsulation needs.

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