Health Benefits of Hawthorn Berry
Hawthorn berry has been used as an herbal remedy for centuries. It’s been used to remedy heart failure, high blood pressure, digestive issues and more.
These berries can be found in colors ranging from yellow to deep red to black and are loaded with beneficial nutrients. They have a tangy, tart, and mild sweetness flavor. Hawthorn berries can be consumed in several different ways. Many people brew it as a tea, take it as a supplement, use it as a syrup, or eat it raw.
Here are 6 impressive health benefits of hawthorn berry.
1. Anti-inflammation
Chronic inflammation is associated with several diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, asthma, and some cancers.
The high antioxidant content found in hawthorn helps provide anti-inflammatory effects.
One study found that supplementing with hawthorn berry can decrease inflammation enough to significantly reduce asthma symptoms.
Another study done on mice with liver disease found that hawthorn berry reduced levels of inflammatory compounds by a significant amount.
2. Lowers Blood Pressure
Chinese medicine has used hawthorn berry to treat high blood pressure for centuries.
Studies found that hawthorn berry causes blood vessels to relax, allowing the vessels to widen, thus, allowing blood to flow more easily. One study done with 79 people with type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure found that those who took 1,200 mg of hawthorn berry daily had significant improvements in blood pressure levels as opposed to those who didn’t consume hawthorn.
If you need help managing your blood pressure, supplements are a great way to ensure you're maintaining health blood pressure levels.
3. Treats Heart Failure
Hawthorn is known for being used as a treatment for heart failure.
Studies done on the effects of hawthorn found several results in various heart conditions, such as early stages of heart failure, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and angina pectoris.
Interestingly, one study done over the course of 2 years on adults with heart failure, found that those supplementing with hawthorn berry experienced reduced shortness of breath, less fatigue, and less heart palpitations. The individuals supplementing also required less medications for their heart failure as opposed to those who did not consume hawthorn berry. Furthermore, studies show that hawthorn berry may reduce your risk of sudden heart-related death.
Researchers believe that a specific bioactive compound found in hawthorn berry could be the reason why it’s effective at treating issues related to the heart. Since hawthorn is a natural diuretic, it’s able to reduce fluid buildup which can relieve congestive heart failure. The compounds found in hawthorn berry include flavonoids, phenols and oligomeric procyanidins.
4. Prevents Hair Loss
Hawthorn berry is a commonly used ingredient in many commercial health growth products.
Researchers suggest that the polyphenol content within the hawthorn berry causes this beneficial effect on hair.
One study done on animals found that hawthorn berry revived hair growth and intensified the amount of hair follicles which promoted healthier hair.
Researchers are continuing to study the effects of hawthorn berry on hair loss.
5. Reduces Anxiety
Hawthorn has been found to have a mild sedative effect. This can be beneficial for people who suffer from anxiety as it can decrease anxiety symptoms.
One study gave people who suffer from anxiety hawthorn berry supplements daily and found they had reduced anxiety symptoms and lower levels of depression.
Researchers are continuing to study hawthorn berry as a potential treatment for problems related to the nervous system, like depression and anxiety. This could be significantly beneficial because hawthorn has very few side effects when compared to common anti-anxiety medications.

6. Aids in digestion
People have been using hawthorn berries to teat digestive issues, such as indigestion and inflammation for centuries.
Hawthorn berries have a high amount of antioxidant content. They also contain a component known as flavonoid and are high in fiber. These have been shown to provide anti-inflammatory effects, lower cholesterol, aid digestion, and relieve constipation. In specific, the fiber found in hawthorn berry acts as a prebiotic which is critical for your digestion as it feeds healthy bacteria to your gut.
One animal study tested hawthorn berry effects on inflammation, free radicals, gastroprotective, and antimicrobial. The study concluded that the antioxidant contents found in hawthorn help against inflammation and provide antimicrobial benefits to the gastrointestinal system.
Researchers also found that supplementing with hawthorn berry may protect against inflammation of the colon, known as colitis.
What’s more, those who supplemented with hawthorn daily found that food moved more quickly through the digestive system which relieved symptoms of indigestion.
Hawthorn berry has numerous health benefits and can be especially good for your heart. Although it can be hard to find at your local grocery store, it can usually be found at specialty health food stores, farmers markets, and online.
Adding hawthorn to your diet is simple and can be added in several ways, such as eating it raw, making it into jams or syrups, brewing it as a tea, or taking it as a supplement. Supplements for hawthorn berry generally contain the berry with the leaves and flowers. However, some supplements leave out the berry and only use the leaves and flowers since they are a more concentrated source of antioxidants.
You can easily make your own supplement at home using empty capsules by Capsuline. It’s the best way to ensure you’re getting only the highest quality ingredients in your supplements. Give hawthorn berry a try and find out what benefits it gives you!
This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.
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